Plot UMI vs. Barcode Rank with inflection and knee. Requires input from DropletUtils package.
pt.size = 6,
plot_title = "Barcode Ranks",
raster_dpi = c(1024, 1024),
plateau = NULL
DFrame output from barcodeRanks
point size for plotting, default is 6.
Title for plot, default is "Barcode Ranks".
Pixel resolution for rasterized plots, passed to geom_scattermore(). Default is c(1024, 1024).
numerical value at which to add vertical line designating estimated empty droplet plateau (default is NULL).
A ggplot object
if (FALSE) {
mat <- Read10X_h5(filename = "raw_feature_bc_matrix.h5")
br_results <- DropletUtils::barcodeRanks(mat)
Barcode_Plot(br_out = br_results)