Customizing Plots for Enhanced/Simplified Visualization

While the default plots from Seurat and other packages are often very good they are often modified from their original outputs after plotting. scCustomize seeks to simplify this process and enhance some of the default visualizations.

Even simple things like adding the same two ggplot2 themeing options to every plot can be simplified for end user (and enhance reproducibility and code errors) by wrapping them inside a new function.

For this tutorial, I will be utilizing microglia data from Marsh et al., 2022 (Nature Neuroscience) the mouse microglia (Figure 1) referred to as marsh_mouse_micro and the human post-mortem snRNA-seq (Figure 3) referred to as marsh_human_pm in addition to the pbmc3k dataset from SeuratData package.


# Load Marsh et al., 2022 datasets
marsh_mouse_micro <- qread(file = "assets/marsh_2020_micro.qs")
marsh_human_pm <- qread(file = "assets/marsh_human_pm.qs")

# Load pbmc dataset
pbmc <-

We’ll add some random meta data variables to pbmc data form use in this vignette

pbmc$sample_id <- sample(c("sample1", "sample2", "sample3", "sample4", "sample5", "sample6"), size = ncol(pbmc),
    replace = TRUE)
pbmc$treatment <- sample(c("Treatment1", "Treatment2", "Treatment3", "Treatment4"), size = ncol(pbmc),
    replace = TRUE)

General Notes

  • Parameter names
    • Customized plots that take their origin from Seurat share many direct parameter names from their Seurat equivalents (i.e., but some others use the scCustomize convention so as to be universal throughout the package (i.e., Seurat=cols:scCustomize=colors_use).
    • Many of the most used parameters for Seurat-based functions have implemented as direct parameter in scCustomize versions allowing for easy tab-completion when calling functions.
    • However, for simplicity of function calls this is not comprehensive. However, most scCustomize plotting functions contain ... parameter to allow user to supply any of the parameters for the original Seurat (or other package) function that is being used under the hood.
  • ggplot2/patchwork Modifications
    • All scCustomize plotting functions return either ggplot2 or patchwork objects allowing for easy additional plot/theme modifications using ggplot2/patchwork grammar.
  • Seurat Function Parameters
    • Most scCustomize plotting functions contain ... parameter to allow user to supply any of the parameters for the original Seurat function that is being used under the hood.

Plotting Highly Variable Genes & PC Loadings

Plotting highly variable genes

scCustomize allows for plotting of highly variable genes with desired number of points labeled in single function. VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom() also contains several additional parameters for customizing visualization.

# Default scCustomize plot
VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, num_features = 20)
# Can remove labels if not desired
VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, num_features = 20, label = FALSE)
# Repel labels
VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, num_features = 20, repel = TRUE)
# Change the scale of y-axis from linear to log10
VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, num_features = 20, repel = TRUE,
    y_axis_log = TRUE)
***A.** Default for `VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom` labels features by default.  Plot can be modified by changing function parameters: **B.** Setting `label = FALSE`, **C.** Setting `repel=TRUE` for feature names, **D.** Setting `y_axis_log=TRUE` to plot y-axis in log scale.*

A. Default for VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom labels features by default. Plot can be modified by changing function parameters: B. Setting label = FALSE, C. Setting repel=TRUE for feature names, D. Setting y_axis_log=TRUE to plot y-axis in log scale.

Label custom features

In addition to labeling the top variable genes VariableFeaturePlot_scCustom also supports labeling a custom set of genes using the custom_features parameter.

Plotting PC heatmaps and loadings.

For ease in evaluating PCA results scCustomize provides function PC_Plotting() which returns both PC heatmap and Feature Loading plot in single patchwork layout.

PC_Plotting(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, dim_number = 2)

Iterate PC Plotting

This function can be easily enhanced using iterative version Iterate_PC_Loading_Plots() to return a PDF document that contains plots for all desired PCs within object. See function manual and Iterative Plotting Vignette for more info.

Plot Gene Expression in 2D Space (PCA/tSNE/UMAP)

scCustomize has few functions that improve on the default plotting options/parameters from Seurat and other packages.


The default plots fromSeurat::FeaturePlot() are very good but I find can be enhanced in few ways that scCustomize sets by default.
Issues with default Seurat settings:

  • Parameter order = FALSE is the default, resulting in potential for non-expressing cells to be plotted on top of expressing cells.
  • Using custom color palette with greater than 2 colors bins the expression by the total number of colors.
  • Non-expressing cells are part of same color scale which can make it difficult to distinguish low expressing cells from non-expressing cells.
# Set color palette
pal <- viridis(n = 10, option = "C", direction = -1)

# Create Plots
FeaturePlot(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Jun")
FeaturePlot(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Jun", order = T)
FeaturePlot(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Jun", cols = pal, order = T)
*`FeaturePlot()` non-ideal results: **A.** default `order = FALSE` compared to **B.** `order = TRUE`, **C.** expression binning when attempting to set custom gradient using `cols` parameter.*

FeaturePlot() non-ideal results: A. default order = FALSE compared to B. order = TRUE, C. expression binning when attempting to set custom gradient using cols parameter.

FeaturePlot_scCustom solves these issues
# Set color palette
pal <- viridis(n = 10, option = "D")

# Create Plots
FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Jun", order = F)
FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Jun")
FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Jun", colors_use = pal)
*`FeaturePlot_scCustom()` solves issues: **A.** Order can be set to FALSE with optional parameter when desired. **B.** However by default is set to TRUE so additional parameter call not required, **C.** `FeaturePlot_scCustom()` prevents expression binning when supplying custom color palette.*

FeaturePlot_scCustom() solves issues: A. Order can be set to FALSE with optional parameter when desired. B. However by default is set to TRUE so additional parameter call not required, C. FeaturePlot_scCustom() prevents expression binning when supplying custom color palette.

Sometimes order=TRUE can be distracting though and so can always set it to FALSE In some cases (especially likely in snRNA-seq), some of the low expression may simply represent ambient RNA and therefore plotting with order=FALSE may be advantageous for visualization (or using different plotting method).

FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_human_pm, features = "P2RY12")
FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_human_pm, features = "P2RY12", order = F)

Plotting non-expressing cells as background.

As you can see above FeaturePlot_scCustom() has the ability to plot non-expressing cells in outside of color scale used for expressing cells. However it is critical that users pay attention to the correctly setting the na_cutoff parameter in FeaturePlot_scCustom.
scCustomize contains a parameter called na_cutoff which tells the function which values to plot as background. By default this is set to value that means background is treated as 0 or below. Depending on what feature, assay, or value you are interested in this parameter should be modified appropriately.

For instance if plotting module score which contains negative values you will probably want to remove the cutoff value entirely to avoid misconstruing results.

FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Microglia_Score1")
FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Microglia_Score1", na_cutoff = NA)

Other times you may actually want to set high na_cutoff value to enable better interpretation of the range of values in particular clusters of interest.

FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_human_pm, features = "nFeature_RNA")
FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_human_pm, features = "nFeature_RNA", na_cutoff = 6000)

Split Feature Plots

Seurat::FeaturePlot() has additional issues when splitting by variable.

  • Specifying the number of columns in output is no longer possible which makes viewing plots from objects with large numbers of variables difficult.
FeaturePlot(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "P2ry12", = "orig.ident")
*`FeaturePlot()` when using `` outputs with the number of columns equal to the number of levels in column.*

FeaturePlot() when using outputs with the number of columns equal to the number of levels in column.

FeaturePlot_scCustom solves this issue and allows for setting the number of columns in FeaturePlots

FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "P2ry12", = "sample_id",
    num_columns = 4)
*`Split_FeaturePlot()` solves this issue and restores ability to set column number using `ncolumns` parameter.*

Split_FeaturePlot() solves this issue and restores ability to set column number using ncolumns parameter.

Change the transparency of points

FeaturePlot_scCustom also allows for customization of the transparency (alpha) of both the points of expressing cells and non-expressing cells using optional parameters.

FeaturePlot_scCustom(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Jun", alpha_exp = 0.75)
*Example comparing **A.** default `FeaturePlot_scCustom` vs. **B.** plot with alpha of expressing cells adjusted `alpha_exp = 0.55`.*

Example comparing A. default FeaturePlot_scCustom vs. B. plot with alpha of expressing cells adjusted alpha_exp = 0.55.

Density Plots

The Nebulosa package provides really great functions for plotting gene expression via density plots.

scCustomize provides two functions to extend functionality of these plots and for ease of plotting “joint” density plots.

Custom color palettes

Currently Nebulosa only supports plotting using 1 of 5 viridis color palettes: “viridis”, “magma”, “cividis”, “inferno”, and “plasma”). Plot_Density_Custom() changes the default palette to “magma” and also allows for use of any custom gradient.

Plot_Density_Custom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Fos")
Plot_Density_Custom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = "Fos", custom_palette = PurpleAndYellow())

Joint Plots

Often user may only want to return the “Joint” density plot when providing multiple features. Plot_Density_Joint_Only() simplifies this requiring only single function and only returns the joint plot for the features provided.

Plot_Density_Joint_Only(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = c("Fos", "Jun"))

Dual Assay Plotting

In certain situations returning a plot from two different assays within the same object may be advantageous. For instance when object contains but raw and Cell Bender corrected counts you may want to plot the same gene from both assays to view the difference. See Cell Bender Functionality vignette for more info.

cell_bender_example <- qread("assets/astro_nuc_seq.qs")
FeaturePlot_DualAssay(seurat_object = cell_bender_example, features = "Syt1", assay1 = "RAW", assay2 = "RNA")

Non-2D Gene Expression Plots (Violin, Dot, etc)

Stacked Violin Plots

Often plotting many genes simultaneously using Violin plots is desired. scCustomize provides Stacked_VlnPlot() for a more aesthetic stacked violin plot compared to stacked plots that can be made using default Seurat::VlnPlot().
The original version of this function was written by Ming Tang and posted on his blog. Function is included with permission and authorship.

gene_list_plot <- c("SLC17A7", "GAD2", "AQP4", "MYT1", "COL1A2", "CLDN5", "OPALIN", "CX3CR1", "CD3E")
human_colors_list <- c("dodgerblue", "navy", "forestgreen", "darkorange2", "darkorchid3", "orchid",
    "orange", "gold", "gray")

# Create Plots
Stacked_VlnPlot(seurat_object = marsh_human_pm, features = gene_list_plot, x_lab_rotate = TRUE,
    colors_use = human_colors_list)

Stacked_VlnPlot also supports any additional parameters that are part of Seurat::VlnPlot()

For instance splitting plot by meta data feature.

sample_colors <- c("dodgerblue", "forestgreen", "firebrick1")

# Create Plots
Stacked_VlnPlot(seurat_object = marsh_human_pm, features = gene_list_plot, x_lab_rotate = TRUE,
    colors_use = sample_colors, = "orig.ident")
*Example plot adding the `` parameter to view expression by sample and cell type.*

Example plot adding the parameter to view expression by sample and cell type.

Adjust Vertical Plot Spacing

Depending on number of genes plotted and user preferences it may be helpful to change the vertical spacing between plots. This can be done using the plot_spacing and spacing_unit parameters.

# Default plot spacing (plot_spacing = 0.15 and spacing_unit = 'cm')
Stacked_VlnPlot(seurat_object = pbmc, features = c("CD3E", "CD14", "MS4A1", "FCER1A", "PPBP"), x_lab_rotate = TRUE)

# Double the space between plots
Stacked_VlnPlot(seurat_object = pbmc, features = c("CD3E", "CD14", "MS4A1", "FCER1A", "PPBP"), x_lab_rotate = TRUE,
    plot_spacing = 0.3)

Adjusting Plot Size

Please note that even more so than many other plots you will need to adjust the height and width of these plots significantly depending on the number of features and number of identities being plotted.

Stacked_VlnPlot also supports plotting of variables (i.e. mito% or module scores).
Stacked_VlnPlot(seurat_object = marsh_human_pm, features = c("percent_mito", "percent_ribo"), x_lab_rotate = TRUE,
    colors_use = human_colors_list)

Point Size and Rasterization

By default Stacked_VlnPlot sets the pt.size parameter to 0 to accelerate plotting/rendering which slow down dramatically depending on size of dataset and number of features plotted.

If points are still desired then plotting/rendering can be sped up by using the raster parameter. By default raster will be set to TRUE if pt.size > 0 and number of cells x number of features > 100,000.

Custom VlnPlots

In addition to Stacked_VlnPlot scCustomize also features a modified version of Seurat’s VlnPlot().

VlnPlot_scCustom provides unified color palette plotting
VlnPlot(object = pbmc, features = "PTPRC")
VlnPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, features = "PTPRC")
***A.** Default `VlnPlot` with ggplot2 default color scheme.  **B.** `VlnPlot_scCustom` shares color palette choice with other scCustomize functions.*

A. Default VlnPlot with ggplot2 default color scheme. B. VlnPlot_scCustom shares color palette choice with other scCustomize functions.

Support for Rasterization

Seurat VlnPlot() supports rasterization but does not alter it’s plotting behavior by default. Both Stacked_VlnPlot and VlnPlot_scCustom have a built in check to automatically rasterize the points if the: number of cells x number of features > 100,000 to accelerate plotting when vector plots are not necessary.

Rasterization can also be manually turned on or off using the raster parameter

VlnPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, features = "PTPRC", raster = FALSE)
VlnPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, features = "PTPRC", raster = TRUE)
***A.** `raster = FALSE`.  **B.** `raster = TRUE`.*

A. raster = FALSE. B. raster = TRUE.

Further customization

scCustomize VlnPlot_scCustom can be further customized to display the median value for each idenity or add boxplot on top of the violin.

VlnPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, features = "PTPRC", plot_median = TRUE) & NoLegend()
VlnPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, features = "PTPRC", plot_boxplot = TRUE) & NoLegend()
***A.** Add median value to plot.  **B.** Add boxplot on top of plot.*

A. Add median value to plot. B. Add boxplot on top of plot.

Custom DotPlots

Seurat’s DotPlot() function is really good but lacks the ability to provide custom color gradient of more than 2 colors.

DotPlot_scCustom() allows for plotting with custom gradients.
micro_genes <- c("P2ry12", "Fcrls", "Trem2", "Tmem119", "Cx3cr1", "Hexb", "Tgfbr1", "Sparc", "P2ry13",
    "Olfml3", "Adgrg1", "C1qa", "C1qb", "C1qc", "Csf1r", "Fcgr3", "Ly86", "Laptm5")

DotPlot(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_genes[1:6], cols = viridis_plasma_dark_high)
DotPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_genes[1:6], colors_use = viridis_plasma_dark_high)
***A.** Default `DotPlot` only takes the first few colors when a gradient is provided.  **B.** `DotPlot_scCustom` allows for use of gradients in full while maintaining visualization.*

A. Default DotPlot only takes the first few colors when a gradient is provided. B. DotPlot_scCustom allows for use of gradients in full while maintaining visualization.

DotPlot_scCustom() also contains additional parameters for easy manipulations of axes for better plotting.

These allow for:

  • x_lab_rotate rotating x-axis text Default is FALSE.
  • y_lab_rotate rotating y-axis text Default is FALSE.
  • flip_axes flip the axes. Default is FALSE.
  • remove_axis_titles remove the x- and y-axis labels. Default is TRUE
DotPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_genes[1:6], x_lab_rotate = TRUE)
DotPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_genes[1:6], y_lab_rotate = TRUE)
DotPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_genes[1:6], flip_axes = T,
    x_lab_rotate = TRUE)
DotPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_genes[1:6], flip_axes = T,
    remove_axis_titles = FALSE)
***A.** Rotate x-axis text, **B.** Rotate y-axis text, **C.** flip axes and rotate x-axis text, and **D.** Add axis labels (removed by default).*

A. Rotate x-axis text, B. Rotate y-axis text, C. flip axes and rotate x-axis text, and D. Add axis labels (removed by default).

Clustered DotPlots

For a more advanced take on the DotPlot scCustomize contains a separate function Clustered_DotPlot(). This function allows for clustering of both gene expression patterns and identities in the final plot. The original version of this function was written by Ming Tang and posted on his blog. Function is included with permission, authorship, and assistance.

# Find markers and limit to those expressed in greater than 75% of target population
all_markers <- FindAllMarkers(object = pbmc) %>%
    Add_Pct_Diff() %>%
    filter(pct_diff > 0.6)

top_markers <- Extract_Top_Markers(marker_dataframe = all_markers, num_genes = 7, named_vector = FALSE,
    make_unique = TRUE)

Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = pbmc, features = top_markers)

Cluster Plot on Gene Expression Patterns

By default Clustered_DotPlot performs k-means clustering with k value set to 1. However, users can change this value to enable better visualization of expression patterns.

Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = pbmc, features = top_markers, k = 8)

You can also change the location and orientation of the plot legends. For instance here we move the legend to the bottom of the plot and reorient the legend to display horizontally. We also remove the identity legend as redundant information (and it takes up a lot of room when horizontal).

plots <- Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = pbmc, features = top_markers, k = 8, plot_km_elbow = FALSE,
    legend_position = "bottom", legend_orientation = "horizontal", show_ident_legend = FALSE)

Clustered_DotPlot() split by additional grouping variable

Clustered_DotPlot can now plot with additional grouping variable provided to parameter.

Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = c("Fos", "Jun", "Egr1", "Aif1",
    "P2ry12", "Tmem119"), = "Transcription_Method")

However, you’ll notice that the labels on the bottom get cutoff on the left-hand side of the plot. There are two solutions to this.

Keep bottom labels rotated but add extra white-space padding on left

Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = c("Fos", "Jun", "Egr1", "Aif1",
    "P2ry12", "Tmem119"), = "Transcription_Method", plot_padding = TRUE)

Or simply remove the bottom label text rotation

Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = c("Fos", "Jun", "Egr1", "Aif1",
    "P2ry12", "Tmem119"), = "Transcription_Method", x_lab_rotate = 90)

Clustered_DotPlot() k-means Clustering Optional Parameters

Determining Optimal k Value
There are many methods that can be used to aid in determining an optimal value for k in k-means clustering. One of the simplest is to the look at the elbow in sum of squares error plot. By default Clustered_DotPlot will return this plot when using the function. However, it can be turned off by setting plot_km_elbow = FALSE.

plots <- Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = pbmc, features = top_markers, k = 8, plot_km_elbow = TRUE,
    legend_position = "bottom", legend_orientation = "horizontal", show_ident_legend = FALSE)


The number of k values plotted must be 1 less than number of features. Default is to plot 20 values but users can customize number of k values plotted using elbow_kmax parameter.

Consensus k-means Clustering
By default Clustered_DotPlot uses consensus k-means clustering with 1000 repeats for both the columns and rows. However, user can reduce or increase these values as desired by supplying new value to either or both of row_km_repeats/column_km_repeats

Clustered_DotPlot() Expression Scale Optional Parameters

There are a number of optional parameters that can be modified by user depending on the desired resulting plot.

  • colors_use_exp to provide custom color scale
  • exp_color_min/exp_color_max can be used to clip the min and max values on the expression scale.
  • print_exp_quantiles can be set to TRUE to print the expression quantiles to aid in setting new exp_color_min/exp_color_max.
  • exp_color_middle can be used to change what value is used for the middle of the color scale. By default is set to the middle of exp_color_min/exp_color_max but can be modified if a skewed visualization is desired.
Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = pbmc, features = top_markers, k = 8, print_exp_quantiles = T)
Quantiles of gene expression data are:
       10%        50%        90%        99% 
-0.6555988 -0.3595223  1.7742718  2.6666597

Here we can adjust the expression clipping based on the range of the data in this specific dataset and list of features and change the color scale to use Seurat::PurpleAndYellow()

Clustered_DotPlot(seurat_object = pbmc, features = top_markers, k = 8, exp_color_min = -1, exp_color_max = 2,
    colors_use_exp = PurpleAndYellow())

Clustered_DotPlot() Other Optional Parameters
  • colors_use_idents Colors to use for the identities (columns) plotted.
  • show_ident_colors and show_ident_legend to show or hide the identity colors on plot and/or identity legend. Default is TRUE.
  • x_lab_rotate Logical or Integer. Default is TRUE (45 degree column label rotation). FALSE (0 degree rotation). Integer for custom text rotation value.
  • row_label_size Change size of row text (gene symbols).
  • show_row_names and show_column_names to show or hide the column and row names. Default is TRUE.
  • column_names_side and row_names_side to change the location of column and row labels. Default is column_names_side = "bottom" and row_names_side = "right".
  • raster Whether to rasterize the plot (faster and smaller file size). Default is FALSE.

FeatureScater Plots

The scCustomize function FeatureScatter_scCustom() is a slightly modified version of Seurat::FeatureScatter() with some different default settings and parameter options.

FeatureScatter_scCustom() plots can be very useful when comparing between two genes/features or comparing module scores. By default scCustomize version sets shuffle = TRUE to ensure that points are not hidden due to order of plotting.

# Create Plots
FeatureScatter_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, feature1 = "exAM_Score1", feature2 = "Microglia_Score1",
    colors_use = mouse_colors, = "ident", num_columns = 2, pt.size = 1)

Split FeatureScatter Plots

scCustomize previously contained function Split_FeatureScatter as Seurat’s plot lacked that functionality. However, that is now present and Split_FeatureScatter has therefore been deprecated and it’s functionality moved within FeatureScatter_scCustom.

FeatureScatter_scCustom() contains two options for splitting plots (similar to DimPlot_scCustom. The default is to return each plot with their own x and y axes, which has a number of advantages (see DimPlot_scCustom section).

# Create Plots
FeatureScatter_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, feature1 = "exAM_Score1", feature2 = "Microglia_Score1",
    colors_use = mouse_colors, = "Transcription_Method", = "ident", num_columns = 2,
    pt.size = 1)


While scCustomize does not have a custom heatmap plot itself (yet…) it does have functions that can make cell-level heatmaps easier to view/interpret. By default the heatmap in Seurat will size the groups on the heatmap based om their size in the dataset. This can make it very hard to view the results (especially for small clusters).

# Selection fo cluster marker genes
micro_markers <- c("P2ry12", "Cx3cr1", "Fos", "Hspa1a", "Ms4a7", "Ccr2", "Isg15", "Ifit3", "Lpl",
    "Plaur", "Mki67", "Top2a")

DoHeatmap(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_markers)
# Selection fo cluster marker genes
micro_markers <- c("P2ry12", "Cx3cr1", "Fos", "Hspa1a", "Ms4a7", "Ccr2", "Isg15", "Ifit3", "Lpl",
    "Plaur", "Mki67", "Top2a")

marsh_mouse_micro2 <- ScaleData(marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_markers)

DoHeatmap(object = marsh_mouse_micro2, features = micro_markers)
*Very hard to view the results for anything but the Homeostatic and activated clusters*

Very hard to view the results for anything but the Homeostatic and activated clusters

While this can be helpful in someways to gauge cluster size other visualizations are usually better for that and heatmaps are usually aimed at informing relative (scaled) gene expression across clusters, groups, etc.

We can solve this issue by downsampling which cells are used in the plot so that number of cells is equal across all groups.

First we need to get idea of how many cells are in each identity. scCustomize provides the Cluster_Stats_All_Samples function to make this easy.

cluster_stats <- Cluster_Stats_All_Samples(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro)

Cluster Number Freq 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1_% 2_% 3_% 4_% 5_% 6_% 7_% 8_% 9_% 10_% 11_% 12_%
Homeostatic 15993 81.7512651 1518 930 1552 1323 912 728 1931 1609 1441 429 2087 1533 79.2275574 57.0202330 95.0980392 92.2594142 92.0282543 61.904762 94.6568627 96.0597015 94.3062827 24.6551724 94.4771390 96.3544940
Activated 2670 13.6482135 293 651 14 46 3 402 16 4 5 1220 12 4 15.2922756 39.9141631 0.8578431 3.2078103 0.3027245 34.183673 0.7843137 0.2388060 0.3272251 70.1149425 0.5432322 0.2514142
Mono/Mac/BAM 426 2.1775801 68 21 23 29 48 15 44 25 32 49 49 23 3.5490605 1.2875536 1.4093137 2.0223152 4.8435923 1.275510 2.1568627 1.4925373 2.0942408 2.8160920 2.2181983 1.4456317
Ifn Responsive 281 1.4363850 21 14 23 22 10 16 34 30 22 26 45 18 1.0960334 0.8583691 1.4093137 1.5341702 1.0090817 1.360544 1.6666667 1.7910448 1.4397906 1.4942529 2.0371209 1.1313639
Ccl4+ 166 0.8485406 11 15 18 14 13 13 13 6 23 14 13 13 0.5741127 0.9196812 1.1029412 0.9762901 1.3118063 1.105442 0.6372549 0.3582090 1.5052356 0.8045977 0.5885016 0.8170962
Proliferative 27 0.1380156 5 0 2 0 5 2 2 1 5 2 3 0 0.2609603 0.0000000 0.1225490 0.0000000 0.5045409 0.170068 0.0980392 0.0597015 0.3272251 0.1149425 0.1358081 0.0000000
Total 19563 100.0000000 1916 1631 1632 1434 991 1176 2040 1675 1528 1740 2209 1591 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000 100.0000000

Now we can use the function Random_Cells_Downsample to return a downsampled selection of cells from each identity. We can either set the num_cells parameter manually to the smallest group or simply provide "min".

In this case that would 27 cells per group. which is a bit small to get representative sample when other groups are much larger. So alternatively, we can set a larger value (150 cells) and change the optional parameter allow_lower to TRUE. This means that all groups larger than 150 cells will get downsampled but any smaller will simply return all cells in that ident.

# random cells can either be return to environment
random_cells_150 <- Random_Cells_Downsample(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, num_cells = 150,
    allow_lower = T)

DoHeatmap(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_markers, cells = random_cells_150)

# Or called within the `DoHeatmap` function.
DoHeatmap(object = marsh_mouse_micro, features = micro_markers, cells = Random_Cells_Downsample(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro,
    num_cells = 150, allow_lower = T))
*Much easier now to see expression across all clusters.*

Much easier now to see expression across all clusters.

DimPlots: Plot Meta Data in 2D Space (PCA/tSNE/UMAP)

scCustomize has a few functions that improve on the default plotting options available in Seurat


The scCustomize function DimPlot_scCustom() is a slightly modified version of Seurat::DimPlot() with some different default settings and parameter options.

New default color palettes

The default ggplot2 hue palette becomes very hard to distinguish between at even a moderate number of clusters for a scRNA-seq experiment. scCustomize’s function DimPlot_scCustom sets new default color palettes:

  • If less than or equal to 36 groups plotted then the “polychrome” palette will be used.
  • If more than 36 groups the “varibow” palette will be used with shuffle_pal = TRUE.
  • If user wants to use ggplot2 hue palette then set parameter ggplot_default_colors = TRUE.

To best demonstrate rationale for this I’m going to use over-clustered version of the marsh_mouse_micro object.

DimPlot(object = marsh_mouse_over)
DimPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_over)
*`DimPlot_scCustom` also sets `label = TRUE` if ` = NULL` by default.*

DimPlot_scCustom also sets label = TRUE if = NULL by default.

Shuffle Points

By default Seurat’s DimPlot() plots each group on top of the next which can make plots harder to interpret. DimPlot_scCustom sets shuffle = TRUE by default as I believe this setting is more often the visualization that provides the most clarity.

Here is example when plotting by donor in the human dataset to determine how well the dataset integration worked.

DimPlot(object = marsh_human_pm, = "sample_id")
DimPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = marsh_human_pm, = "sample_id")
***A.** Cannot tell how well integrated the samples are due to plotting one on top of the other.  **B.** Default plot using scCustomize `DimPlot_scCustom`.*

A. Cannot tell how well integrated the samples are due to plotting one on top of the other. B. Default plot using scCustomize DimPlot_scCustom.

Split DimPlots

When plotting a split plot Seurat::DimPlot() simplifies the axes by implementing shared axes depending on the number of columns specified.

DimPlot(object = pbmc, = "treatment")
DimPlot(object = pbmc, = "sample_id", ncol = 4)
***A.** The default Seurat looks ok when plots are all present on single row.  **B.** However, the visualization isn't so good when you starting wrapping plots into multiple rows.*

A. The default Seurat looks ok when plots are all present on single row. B. However, the visualization isn’t so good when you starting wrapping plots into multiple rows.

By default when using with DimPlot_scCustom the layout is returned with an axes for each plot to make visualization of large numbers of splits easier.

DimPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, = "treatment", num_columns = 4, repel = TRUE)
*Simplified visualization without having to think about the number of variables that are being plotted.*

Simplified visualization without having to think about the number of variables that are being plotted.

Can also return to the default Seurat method of splitting plots while maintaining all of the other modifications in DimPlot_scCustom by supplying split_seurat = TRUE

DimPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, = "treatment", num_columns = 4, repel = TRUE, split_seurat = TRUE)

Figure Plotting

Some times when creating plots for figures it is desirable to remove the axes from the plot and simply add an axis legend. To do this with DimPlot_scCustom simply set figure_plot = TRUE.

DimPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, figure_plot = TRUE)

Highlight Cluster(s)

Even with an optimized color palette it can still be difficult to determine the boundaries of clusters when plotting all clusters at once.
scCustomize provides easy of use function Cluster_Highlight_Plot() to highlight a select cluster or clusters vs. the remainder of cells to determine where they lie on the plot.
NOTE: While named Cluster_Highlight_Plot this function will simply pull from seurat_object@active.ident slot which may or may not be cluster results depending on user settings. For creating highlight plots of meta data variables see next section on Meta_Highlight_Plot.

Cluster_Highlight_Plot(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_over, cluster_name = "7", highlight_color = "navy",
    background_color = "lightgray")

Cluster_Highlight_Plot(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_over, cluster_name = "8", highlight_color = "forestgreen",
    background_color = "lightgray")
*`Cluster_Highlight_Plot` takes identity or vector of identities and plots them in front of remaining unselected cells.*

Cluster_Highlight_Plot takes identity or vector of identities and plots them in front of remaining unselected cells.

Highlight 2+ clusters in the same plot

Cluster_Highlight_Plot() also supports the ability to plot multiple identities in the same plot.

Cluster_Highlight_Plot(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_over, cluster_name = c("7", "8"), highlight_color = c("navy",

NOTE: If no value is provided to highlight_color then all clusters provided to cluster_name will be plotted using single default color (navy).

Highlight Meta Data

scCustomize also contains an analogous function Meta_Highlight_Plot() that allows for quick highlight plots of any valid variable. Meta data variables must be one of class(): “factor”, “character”, or “logical” to be highlighted.
Numeric variables representing things like “batch” can be converted using as.character or as.factor first to allow for plotting.

Meta_Highlight_Plot(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, meta_data_column = "Transcription_Method",
    meta_data_highlight = "ENZYMATIC_NONE", highlight_color = "firebrick", background_color = "lightgray")

Highlight 2+ factor levels in the same plot

Meta_Highlight_Plot() also supports plotting two or more levels from the same meta data column in the same plot, similar to plotting multiple identities with Cluster_Highlight_Plot()

Meta_Highlight_Plot(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, meta_data_column = "Transcription_Method",
    meta_data_highlight = c("ENZYMATIC_NONE", "DOUNCE_NONE"), highlight_color = c("firebrick", "dodgerblue"),
    background_color = "lightgray")

Highlight Cells

Sometimes the cells that you want to highlight on a plot may not be represented by an active.ident or column. In this scenario you can use Cell_Highlight_Plot.

NOTE: Values of cell names provided to cells_highlight parameter must be a named list.

Let’s say we want to highlight cells with expression of MS4A1 above certain threshold.

# Get cell names
MS4A1 <- WhichCells(object = pbmc, expression = MS4A1 > 3)

# Make into list
cells <- list(MS4A1 = MS4A1)

# Plot
Cell_Highlight_Plot(seurat_object = pbmc, cells_highlight = cells)

Highlight 2+ sets of cells in the same plot

Cell_Highlight_Plot() also supports plotting two or more sets of cells in the same plot, similar to plotting multiple identities with Cluster_Highlight_Plot()/Meta_Highlight_Plot().

# Get cell names and make list
MS4A1 <- WhichCells(object = pbmc, expression = MS4A1 > 3)
GZMB <- WhichCells(object = pbmc, expression = GZMB > 3)

cells <- list(MS4A1 = MS4A1, GZMB = GZMB)
# Plot
Cell_Highlight_Plot(seurat_object = pbmc, cells_highlight = cells)

DimPlot Layout Plots

Sometimes can be beneficial to create layouts where there is no grouping variable and plots are simply colored by the split variable.

DimPlot_All_Samples(seurat_object = pbmc, meta_data_column = "sample_id", num_col = 3, pt.size = 0.5)
*Visualize all samples in simple plot layout.*

Visualize all samples in simple plot layout.

Can unique color each plot by providing a vector of colors instead of single value

DimPlot_All_Samples(seurat_object = marsh_mouse_micro, meta_data_column = "Transcription", num_col = 2,
    pt.size = 0.5, color = c("firebrick3", "dodgerblue3"))