Create Plot with meta data variable of interest highlighted
highlight_color = NULL,
background_color = "lightgray",
pt.size = NULL,
aspect_ratio = NULL,
figure_plot = FALSE,
raster = NULL,
raster.dpi = c(512, 512),
label = FALSE, = NULL,
split_seurat = FALSE,
reduction = NULL,
ggplot_default_colors = FALSE,
Seurat object name.
Name of the column in
slot to pull value from for highlighting.
Name of variable(s) within meta_data_name
to highlight in the plot.
Color to highlight cells (default "navy").
non-highlighted cell colors.
point size for both highlighted cluster and background.
Control the aspect ratio (y:x axes ratio length). Must be numeric value; Default is NULL.
logical. Whether to remove the axes and plot with legend on left of plot denoting
axes labels. (Default is FALSE). Requires split_seurat = TRUE
Convert points to raster format. Default is NULL which will rasterize by default if greater than 200,000 cells.
Pixel resolution for rasterized plots, passed to geom_scattermore(). Default is c(512, 512).
Whether to label the highlighted meta data variable(s). Default is FALSE.
Variable in
to split the plot by.
logical. Whether or not to display split plots like Seurat (shared y axis) or as individual plots in layout. Default is FALSE.
Dimensionality Reduction to use (if NULL then defaults to Object default).
logical. If colors_use = NULL
, Whether or not to return plot using
default ggplot2 "hue" palette instead of default "polychrome" or "varibow" palettes.
Extra parameters passed toDimPlot
A ggplot object