While the default Seurat and ggplot2 plots work well they can often be enhanced by customizing color palettes and themeing options used. To simplify/streamline this process for end users scCustomize:
1. Sets default discrete and continuous variables that are
consistent across the package and are customized to plotting
2. Contains a number of shortcuts or helper functions for quick
access to color palettes and themes that are frequently
The continuous palettes from the viridis package improve plot readability and are more colorblind friendly than some commonly used continuous palettes. When plotting continuous variables (e.g., gene expression) scCustomize uses the reverse “plasma” palette by default.
These palettes provided better contrast for continuous palettes. In
scCustomize the default is viridis_plasma_dark_high
There is one exception to this in that
and Plot_Density_Joint()
use the “magma” palette by default. This choice was made as I believe
that the magma palette provides better color scale for these plots.
Example comparing A. default
which uses ‘magma’ palette
vs. B. plot using the ‘plasma’ palette.
To provide better visualizations using default parameters scCustomize
sets a series of defaults for plots with discrete palettes using
.DiscretePalette_scCustomize(num_colors = 36, palette = "polychrome")
DiscretePalette_scCustomize(num_colors = *Number of identities*, palette = "varibow", shuffle_pal = TRUE)
scCustomize has a number of quick helpers for access to palettes from viridis package. For more information on viridis palettes. These can be supplied to any appropriate plotting function in scCustomize or any other plot in R.
p1 <- FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, features = "CD3E")
p2 <- FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, colors_use = viridis_magma_dark_high, features = "CD3E")
p3 <- FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, colors_use = viridis_inferno_dark_high, features = "CD3E")
p4 <- FeaturePlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc, colors_use = viridis_light_high, features = "CD3E")
These palettes provided better contrast for continuous palettes. In
scCustomize the default is viridis_plasma_dark_high
The function DiscretePalette_scCustomize
is function
inspired and modified from Seurat::DiscretePalette()
. Under
the hood most of the palettes are called using paletteer package
to call palettes without adding package dependencies. The following
palettes can be specified:
# Save as variable to global environment
polychrome_pal <- DiscretePalette_scCustomize(num_colors = 36, palette = "polychrome")
# Call within another function
DimPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = obj_name, colors_use = DiscretePalette_scCustomize(num_colors = 26,
palette = "polychrome"))
DimPlot_scCustom(seurat_object = pbmc)
To visualize these or any other palette you can use the
PalettePlot(pal = DiscretePalette_scCustomize(num_colors = 26, palette = "alphabet"))
PalettePlot(pal = c("color1", "color2", ...)
Among the discrete palettes provide the “varibow” palette is actually
a dynamic palette whose colors will adjust across the rainbow according
to num_colors
Sometimes it can be helpful to use different order for the discrete
palettes depending on the end plot generated (This can be especially
true with “varibow” sometimes). DiscretePalette_scCustomize
has optional parameter that will randomly shuffle the returned palette
(see shuffle_pal
and seed
parameter to allow
for reproducible shuffling.)
PalettePlot(pal = DiscretePalette_scCustomize(num_colors = 30, palette = "varibow")) + ggtitle("varibow (normal)")
PalettePlot(pal = DiscretePalette_scCustomize(num_colors = 30, palette = "varibow"), shuffle_pal = TRUE) +
ggtitle("varibow (shuffled)")
Finally scCustomize contains shortcuts for some shorter discrete
palettes that can be useful for plotting groups, treatments, genotypes,
ggplot2 themeing works absolutely great but can also be simplified by wrapping commonly used post-plot themes into less verbose functions.
scCustomize contains a few customized themes and ggplot2 helpers that
simplify post plot themeing/alterations.
NOTE: These functions can be used with any ggplot2 plot and are not
limited to modifying scCustomize plots.
Undo x-axis label rotationMove_Legend()
Select new location to move legendBlank_Theme()
Removes all axis labels and axes from
Modified version of
If you have any ideas for additional color palettes that would be helpful to add or ggplot2 themeing functions please post as Pull Request on GitHub!