Read & Write DataFunctions for reading and writing single cell sequencing data from raw data files. |
Create H5 from 10X Outputs |
Create Seurat Object with Cell Bender and Raw data |
Pull Directory List |
Load in NCBI GEO data from 10X |
Load 10X count matrices from multiple directories |
Load in NCBI GEO data from 10X in HDF5 file format |
Load 10X h5 count matrices from multiple directories |
Load CellBender h5 matrices (corrected) |
Load CellBender h5 matrices (corrected) from multiple directories |
Load CellBender h5 matrices (corrected) from multiple files |
Load in NCBI GEO data formatted as single file per sample |
Read Overall Statistics from 10X Cell Ranger Count |
Read Overall Statistics from CellBender |
Merge Data UtilitiesUtilities to merge raw data. |
Extract multi-modal data into list by modality |
Merge a list of Sparse Matrices |
Merge a list of Sparse Matrices contain multi-modal data. |
Edit Barcode UtilitiesUtilities to edit cell barcodes |
Change all delimiters in cell name |
Change barcode prefix delimiter |
Change barcode suffix delimiter |
Replace barcode suffixes |
Sequencing Metrics QC PlotsFunctions plotting various QC metrics provides by 10X Genomics Cell Ranger Outputs |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment) (Layout) |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics (Layout) |
Create Barcode Rank Plot |
Iterative Barcode Rank Plots |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment) |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment) |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment) |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment) |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment) |
QC Plots Sequencing metrics (Alignment) |
Basic Analysis QC PlotsFunctions plotting various QC from Seurat Objects. |
QC Histogram Plots |
QC Plots Genes vs Misc |
QC Plots UMI vs Misc |
QC Plots Genes vs UMIs |
QC Plots Genes, UMIs, & % Mito |
QC Plots Cell "Complexity" |
QC Plots Feature |
QC Plots Genes |
QC Plots Mito |
QC Plots UMIs |
Seurat Plotting FunctionsFunctions customization and plotting of single cell data/results from Seurat Objects. |
Meta Highlight Plot |
Cluster Highlight Plot |
Clustered DotPlot |
DimPlot by Meta Data Column |
DimPlot with modified default settings |
Customized DotPlot |
Customize FeaturePlot of two assays |
Customize FeaturePlot |
Modified version of FeatureScatter |
Meta Highlight Plot |
PC Plots |
SpatialDimPlot with modified default settings |
Stacked Violin Plot |
Custom Labeled Variable Features Plot |
VlnPlot with modified default settings |
Nebulosa Density Plot |
Nebulosa Joint Density Plot |
Iterative Plotting FunctionsFunctions for quick iterative plotting. |
Iterate Cluster Highlight Plot |
Iterate DimPlot By Sample |
Iterative Plotting of Gene Lists using Custom FeaturePlots |
Iterate Meta Highlight Plot |
Iterate PC Loading Plots |
Iterative Plotting of Gene Lists using Custom Density Plots |
Iterative Plotting of Gene Lists using Custom Joint Density Plots |
Iterative Plotting of Gene Lists using VlnPlot_scCustom |
LIGER Plotting FunctionsFunctions customization and plotting of single cell data/results from LIGER Objects. |
DimPlot LIGER Version |
Factor Correlation Plot |
Customized version of plotFactors |
Plotting Utilities #1 (Color Palettes)Helper functions for quick access to useful or default color palettes. |
Color Universal Design Short Palette |
Dark2 Palette |
Discrete color palettes |
Hue_Pal |
Four Color Palette (JCO) |
Navy and Orange Dual Color Palette |
Plot color palette in viewer |
Single Color Palettes for Plotting |
Color Palette Selection for scCustomize |
Viridis Shortcuts |
Plotting Utilities #2 (Themes/Theme Adjustment)Helper functions for quick modification of theme elements and custom themes. |
Blank Theme |
Move Legend Position |
Unrotate x axis on VlnPlot |
Modified ggprism theme |
Helper Utilities (Seurat)Functions to provide ease of use for frequently used code from Seurat Objects. |
QC UtilitiesFunctions to add common QC variables to |
Calculate and add differences post-cell bender analysis |
Add Cell Complexity |
Add Multiple Cell Quality Control Values with Single Function |
Add Hemoglobin percentages |
Add Mito and Ribo percentages |
Add Percent of High Abundance Genes |
Getters/SettersFunctions to extract data from or add additional data to Seurat objects |
Add Alternative Feature IDs |
Add Sample Level Meta Data |
Extract sample level |
Get meta data from object |
Remove meta data columns containing Seurat Defaults |
Randomly downsample by identity |
Rename Clusters |
Store misc data in Seurat object |
Store color palette in Seurat object |
Check UtilitiesFunctions to check validity of different aspects of object or object contents. |
Check for alternate case features |
Check Matrix Validity |
Check if genes/features are present |
Check if meta data columns are numeric |
Check if meta data are present |
Check if reduction loadings are present |
Misc UtilitiesMiscellaneous Utilities |
Merge a list of Seurat Objects |
Split vector into list |
Update HGNC Gene Symbols |
Update MGI Gene Symbols |
Create sequence with zeros |
Helper Utilities (LIGER)Functions to provide ease of use for frequently used code from LIGER Objects. |
Add Cell Complexity |
Add Mito and Ribo percentages |
Extract Cells from LIGER Object |
Extract Cells by identity |
Extract matrix of embeddings |
Extract Features from LIGER Object |
Get meta data from object |
Find Factor Correlations |
Extract or set default identities from object |
Subset LIGER object |
Extract top loading genes for LIGER factor |
Perform variable gene selection over whole dataset |
Extract Cells for particular identity |
Object Conversion FunctionsFunctions to convert between different single cell object formats (R & Python). |
Convert between Seurat Assay types |
Create a Seurat object containing the data from a liger object |
Split Seurat object into layers |
Convert objects to LIGER objects |
Convert objects to |
Convert objects to anndata objects |
Cluster/Marker Annotation UtilitiesFunctions to provide ease of use or add functionality to DEG and cluster annotation. |
Add percentage difference to DE results |
Create cluster annotation csv file |
Extract Top N Marker Genes |
Pull cluster information from annotation csv file. |
Rename Clusters |
Project Organization UtilitiesFunctions to provide ease of use for organization of analysis projects. |
Copy folder from GCP bucket from R Console |
Copy folder to GCP bucket from R Console |
Setup project directory structure |
Statistics FunctionsFunctions quick return of different object and data metrics. |
CellBender Feature Differences |
Cells per Sample |
Calculate Cluster Stats |
Median Absolute Deviation Statistics |
Median Statistics |
Calculate percent of expressing cells |
Plot Number of Cells/Nuclei per Sample |
Plot Number of Cells/Nuclei per Sample |
Plot Median Genes per Cell per Sample |
Plot Median Percent Mito per Cell per Sample |
Plot Median other variable per Cell per Sample |
Plot Median UMIs per Cell per Sample |
Cell Proportion Plot |
DataReference data for package functions. |
Ensembl Hemo IDs |
Immediate Early Gene (IEG) gene lists |
Ensembl Mito IDs |
Ensembl Ribo IDs |
Immediate Early Gene (IEG) gene lists |
QC Gene Lists |
QC Gene Lists |