Custom VlnPlot for initial QC checks including lines for thresholding
feature = "log10GenesPerUMI", = NULL,
x_axis_label = NULL,
y_axis_label = "log10(Genes) / log10(UMIs)",
plot_title = "Cell Complexity",
low_cutoff = NULL,
high_cutoff = NULL,
cutoff_line_width = NULL,
pt.size = NULL,
plot_median = FALSE,
plot_boxplot = FALSE,
median_size = 15,
colors_use = NULL,
x_lab_rotate = TRUE,
y_axis_log = FALSE,
raster = NULL,
ggplot_default_colors = FALSE,
color_seed = 123,
Seurat object name.
Feature from Meta Data to plot.
Name of one or more metadata columns to group (color) cells by (for example, orig.ident); default is the current active.ident of the object.
Label for x axis.
Label for y axis.
Plot Title.
Plot line a potential low threshold for filtering.
Plot line a potential high threshold for filtering.
numerical value for thickness of cutoff lines, default is NULL.
Point size for plotting
logical, whether to plot median for each ident on the plot (Default is FALSE).
logical, whether to plot boxplot inside of violin (Default is FALSE).
Shape size for the median is plotted.
vector of colors to use for plot.
Rotate x-axis labels 45 degrees (Default is TRUE).
logical. Whether to change y axis to log10 scale (Default is FALSE).
Convert points to raster format. Default is NULL which will rasterize by default if greater than 100,000 total points plotted (# Cells x # of features).
logical. If colors_use = NULL
, Whether or not to return plot using
default ggplot2 "hue" palette instead of default "polychrome" or "varibow" palettes.
random seed for the "varibow" palette shuffle if colors_use = NULL
and number of
groups plotted is greater than 36. Default = 123.
Extra parameters passed to VlnPlot
A ggplot object
pbmc_small <- Add_Cell_Complexity(pbmc_small)
QC_Plots_Complexity(seurat_object = pbmc_small)