QC Metrics & Plots

One of the first steps in all scRNA-seq analyses is performing a number of QC checks and plots so that data can be appropriately filtered. scCustomize contains a number of functions that can be used to quickly and easily generate some of the most relevant QC plots.

For this tutorial, I will be utilizing HCA bone marrow cell data from the SeuratData package.


# Load Example Dataset
hca_bm <- hcabm40k.SeuratData::hcabm40k

# Add pseudo group variable just for this vignette
hca_bm@meta.data$group[hca_bm@meta.data$orig.ident == "MantonBM1" | hca_bm@meta.data$orig.ident ==
    "MantonBM2" | hca_bm@meta.data$orig.ident == "MantonBM3" | hca_bm@meta.data$orig.ident == "MantonBM4"] <- "Group 1"

hca_bm@meta.data$group[hca_bm@meta.data$orig.ident == "MantonBM5" | hca_bm@meta.data$orig.ident ==
    "MantonBM6" | hca_bm@meta.data$orig.ident == "MantonBM7" | hca_bm@meta.data$orig.ident == "MantonBM8"] <- "Group 2"

Adding QC Metrics

This is the starting point of nearly every single cell analysis and scCustomize contains a number of helper functions to make the process fast and easy.

Add Mitochondrial and Ribosomal Gene Percentages

scCustomize contains easy wrapper function to automatically add both Mitochondrial and Ribosomal count percentages to meta.data slot. If you are using mouse, human, rat, zebrafish, drosophila, marmoset, or macaque data all you need to do is specify the species parameter.

# These defaults can be run just by providing accepted species name
hca_bm <- Add_Mito_Ribo(object = hca_bm, species = "Human")

NOTE: This function works seemlessly for both Seurat and LIGER objects.

To view list of accepted values for default species names simply set list_species_names = TRUE.
Mouse_Options Human_Options Marmoset_Options Zebrafish_Options Rat_Options Drosophila_Options Macaque_Options
Mouse Human Marmoset Zebrafish Rat Drosophila Macaque
mouse human marmoset zebrafish rat drosophila macaque
Ms Hu CJ DR RN DM Rhesus
ms hu Cj Dr Rn Dm macaca
Mm Hs cj dr rn dm mmulatta
mm hs NA NA NA NA NA

However custom prefixes can be used for non-human/mouse/marmoset species with different annotations. Simply specify species = other and supply feature lists or regex patterns for your species of interest.
NOTE: If desired please submit issue on GitHub for additional default species. Please include regex pattern or list of genes for both mitochondrial and ribosomal genes and I will add additional built-in defaults to the function.

# Using gene name patterns
hca_bm <- Add_Mito_Ribo(object = hca_bm, species = "other", mito_pattern = "regexp_pattern", ribo_pattern = "regexp_pattern")

# Using feature name lists
mito_gene_list <- c("gene1", "gene2", "etc")
ribo_gene_list <- c("gene1", "gene2", "etc")
hca_bm <- Add_Mito_Ribo(object = hca_bm, species = "other", mito_features = mito_gene_list, ribo_features = ribo_gene_list)

# Using combination of gene lists and gene name patterns
hca_bm <- Add_Mito_Ribo(object = hca_bm, species = "Human", mito_features = mito_gene_list, ribo_pattern = "regexp_pattern")
Use of Ensembl IDs

scCustomize contains built in list of ensembl IDs that correspond to mitochondrial and ribosomal genes for all default species. If your object using ensembl IDs as features names then simply add ensembl_ids parameter.

# Using gene name patterns
hca_bm <- Add_Mito_Ribo(object = hca_bm, species = "Human", ensembl_ids = TRUE)

Add Cell Complexity/Novelty QC Metrics

In addition to metrics like number of features and UMIs it can often be helpful to analyze the complexity of expression within a single cell. scCustomize provides functions to add two of these metrics to meta data.

Cell Complexity (log10(nFeature) / log10(nCount))

scCustomize contains easy shortcut function to add a measure of cell complexity/novelty that can sometimes be useful to filter low quality cells. The metric is calculated by calculating the result of log10(nFeature) / log10(nCount).

# These defaults can be run just by providing accepted species name
hca_bm <- Add_Cell_Complexity(object = hca_bm)

NOTE: This function works seemlessly for both Seurat and LIGER objects.

Add Top Percent Expression QC Metric

Additionally, (or alternatively), scCustomize contains another metric of complexity which is the top percent expression. The user supplies an integer value for num_top_genes (default is 50) which species the number of genes and the function returns percentage of counts occupied by top XX genes in each cell.

# These defaults can be run just by providing accepted species name
hca_bm <- Add_Top_Gene_Pct_Seurat(seurat_object = hca_bm, num_top_genes = 50)

Add QC Metrics from Pathway Gene Lists

In addition to those standard QC metrics it can be helpful when using network based QC analysis to add the percent of expression of genes related to common pathways. This function and the network-based analysis is further extension of the analysis/QC from our recent publication: Gazestani & Kamath et al., 2023 (Cell).

In scCustomize the percent of gene expression from the following gene lists can be added as part of the Add_Cell_QC_Metrics (see next section for more details):

  • Immediate Early Genes (for human and mouse only)
    • Can be used in part to examine potential impact of dissociation or post-mortem signatures (Marsh et al., 2022) or to identify acutely perturbed populations (gene list from Wu et al., 2017)
  • Oxidative Phosphorylation, Apoptosis, & DNA Repair (all default species except Marmoset)

Add All Cell QC Metrics with Single Function

To simplify the process of adding cell QC metrics scCustomize contains a wrapper function which can be customized to add all or some of the available QC metrics. The default parameters of the function Add_Cell_QC_Metrics will add:

  • Mitochondrial and Ribosomal Percentages (default and custom species).
  • Cell Complexity (log10(nFeature) / log10(nCount).
  • Top XX Gene Percentage.
  • Percentage of counts for IEG (human and mouse only).
  • OXPHOS, APOP, and DNA Repair pathways (supported species only).
  • Cell Cycle Scoring (Human only).
hca_bm <- Add_Cell_QC_Metrics(seurat_object = hca_bm, species = "human")

Customizing metrics

By changing the function parameters you can add a subset of available QC metrics. For instance:

hca_bm <- Add_Cell_QC_Metrics(seurat_object = hca_bm, species = "human", add_mito_ribo = TRUE, add_complexity = FALSE,
    add_top_pct = TRUE, add_IEG = TRUE, add_MSigDB = FALSE, add_cell_cycle = FALSE)

Plotting QC Metrics

scCustomize has a number of quick QC plotting options for ease of use.
NOTE: Most scCustomize plotting functions contain ... parameter to allow user to supply any of the parameters for the original Seurat function that is being used under the hood.

VlnPlot-Based QC Plots

scCustomize contains a number of shortcut/wrapper functions for QC plotting, which are wrappers around Seurat::VlnPlot()/VlnPlot_scCustom.

scCustomize functions have the added benefit of:

  • Feature to plot set by default (except for QC_Plots_Feature).
  • Added high/low cutoff parameters to allow for easy visualization of potential cutoff thresholds.
# All functions contain
p1 <- QC_Plots_Genes(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff = 600, high_cutoff = 5500)
p2 <- QC_Plots_UMIs(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff = 1200, high_cutoff = 45000)
p3 <- QC_Plots_Mito(seurat_object = hca_bm, high_cutoff = 20)
p4 <- QC_Plots_Complexity(seurat_object = hca_bm, high_cutoff = 0.8)
wrap_plots(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol = 4)

Additional parameters

In addition to being able to supply Seurat parameters with ... these plots like many others in scCustomize contain other additional parameters to customize plot output without need for post-plot ggplot2 modifications

  • plot_title: Change plot title
  • x_axis_label/y_axis_label: Change axis labels.
  • x_lab_rotate: Should x-axis label be rotated 45 degrees?
  • y_axis_log: Should y-axis in linear or log10 scale.
  • plot_median & median_size: Plot a line at the median of each x-axis identity.
  • plot_boxplot: Plot boxplot on top of the violin.
p1 <- QC_Plots_UMIs(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff = 1200, high_cutoff = 45000, pt.size = 0.1)
p2 <- QC_Plots_UMIs(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff = 1200, high_cutoff = 45000, pt.size = 0.1,
    y_axis_log = TRUE)

wrap_plots(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
*Setting `y_axis_log` can be very helpful for initial plots where outliers skew the visualization of the majority of the data without excluding data by setting y-axis limit.*

Setting y_axis_log can be very helpful for initial plots where outliers skew the visualization of the majority of the data without excluding data by setting y-axis limit.

p1 <- QC_Plots_UMIs(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff = 1200, high_cutoff = 45000, pt.size = 0,
    plot_median = TRUE)
p2 <- QC_Plots_UMIs(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff = 1200, high_cutoff = 45000, pt.size = 0,
    y_axis_log = TRUE, plot_median = TRUE)

wrap_plots(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
*Plotting median values by setting the `plot_median = TRUE` parameter.*

Plotting median values by setting the plot_median = TRUE parameter.

p1 <- QC_Plots_UMIs(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff = 1200, high_cutoff = 45000, pt.size = 0,
    plot_boxplot = TRUE)
p2 <- QC_Plots_UMIs(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff = 1200, high_cutoff = 45000, pt.size = 0,
    y_axis_log = TRUE, plot_boxplot = TRUE)

wrap_plots(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
*Plotting boxplot by setting the `plot_boxplot = TRUE` parameter.*

Plotting boxplot by setting the plot_boxplot = TRUE parameter.

Combined Plotting Function

As a shortcut you can return single patchwork plot of the 3 main QC Plots (Genes, UMIs, %Mito) by using single function, QC_Plots_Combined_Vln().

QC_Plots_Combined_Vln(seurat_object = hca_bm, feature_cutoffs = c(600, 5500), UMI_cutoffs = c(1200,
    45000), mito_cutoffs = 20, pt.size = 0.1)

FeatureScatter-Based QC Plots

scCustomize contains 3 functions which wrap Seurat::FeatureScatter() with added visualization of potential cutoff thresholds and some additional functionality:

  • QC_Plot_UMIvsGene() Plots genes vs UMIs per cell/nucleus
  • QC_Plot_GenevsFeature() Plots Genes vs. “feature” per cell/nucleus. Using parameter feature1 to allow plotting of any applicable named feature in object@meta.data slot.
  • QC_Plot_UMIvsFeature() Plots UMIs vs. “feature” per cell/nucleus. Using parameter feature1 to allow plotting of any applicable named feature in object@meta.data slot.

New/Modified functionality

  • Better default color palettes
  • shuffle = TRUE by default to prevent hiding of datasets
  • Ability to set & visualize potential cutoff thresholds (similar to VlnPlot based QC Plots above)
  • Report potential post filtering correlation in addition to whole dataset correlation when using QC_Plot_UMIvsGene (based on values provided to high and low cutoff parameters)
# All functions contain
QC_Plot_UMIvsGene(seurat_object = hca_bm, low_cutoff_gene = 600, high_cutoff_gene = 5500, low_cutoff_UMI = 500,
    high_cutoff_UMI = 50000)
QC_Plot_GenevsFeature(seurat_object = hca_bm, feature1 = "percent_mito", low_cutoff_gene = 600,
    high_cutoff_gene = 5500, high_cutoff_feature = 20)

Color data by continuous meta data variable

QC_Plot_UMIvsGene contains the ability to color points by continuous meta data variables.
This can be used to plot % of mito reads in addition to UMI vs. Gene comparisons

QC_Plot_UMIvsGene(seurat_object = hca_bm, meta_gradient_name = "percent_mito", low_cutoff_gene = 600,
    high_cutoff_gene = 5500, high_cutoff_UMI = 45000)
QC_Plot_UMIvsGene(seurat_object = hca_bm, meta_gradient_name = "percent_mito", low_cutoff_gene = 600,
    high_cutoff_gene = 5500, high_cutoff_UMI = 45000, meta_gradient_low_cutoff = 20)
*`QC_Plot_UMIvsGene()` when using `meta_gradient_name` outputs plot colored by meta data variable (left) to view only points above potential cutoff `meta_gradient_low_cutoff` can be specified to alter the plotting (right).*

QC_Plot_UMIvsGene() when using meta_gradient_name outputs plot colored by meta data variable (left) to view only points above potential cutoff meta_gradient_low_cutoff can be specified to alter the plotting (right).

Combination Plots

If you are interested in viewing QC_Plot_UMIvsGene both by discrete grouping variable and by continuous variable without writing function twice you can use combination = TRUE and plot output will contain both plots.

QC_Plot_UMIvsGene(seurat_object = hca_bm, meta_gradient_name = "percent_mito", low_cutoff_gene = 600,
    high_cutoff_gene = 5500, high_cutoff_UMI = 45000, meta_gradient_low_cutoff = 20, combination = TRUE)
*`QC_Plot_UMIvsGene()` when using `combination = TRUE` will output both the Gene x UMI by active identity and with meta data gradient coloring.*

QC_Plot_UMIvsGene() when using combination = TRUE will output both the Gene x UMI by active identity and with meta data gradient coloring.

Histogram-Based QC Plots

Finally, scCustomize contains a function to plot QC metrics as histogram instead of violin for visualization of the distribution of feature.

QC_Histogram(seurat_object = hca_bm, features = "percent_mito", low_cutoff = 15)

QC_Histogram(seurat_object = hca_bm, features = "percent_mito", low_cutoff = 15, split.by = "group")
*`QC_Histogram` also supports splitting plots by meta.data variables*

QC_Histogram also supports splitting plots by meta.data variables

Analyze Median QC Values per Sample/Library

scCustomize also contains a few helpful functions for returning and plotting the median values for these metrics on per sample/library basis.

Calculate Median Values & Return data.frame

scCustomize contains function Median_Stats to quickly calculate the medians for basic QC stats (Genes/, UMIs/, %Mito/Cell, etc) and return a data.frame.

median_stats <- Median_Stats(seurat_object = hca_bm, group_by_var = "orig.ident")
orig.ident Median_nCount_RNA Median_nFeature_RNA Median_percent_mito Median_percent_ribo Median_percent_mito_ribo Median_log10GenesPerUMI
MantonBM1 2634.5 807 3.928074 42.04921 46.43790 0.8506316
MantonBM2 2462.5 783 3.556994 42.96184 46.87269 0.8505270
MantonBM3 2617.0 769 3.301410 40.65558 44.10722 0.8483425
MantonBM4 2264.0 780 3.384891 33.73245 37.96850 0.8645139
MantonBM5 2677.0 741 3.265677 41.55203 45.33713 0.8360196
MantonBM6 2677.0 835 3.202053 43.07874 46.70119 0.8522162
MantonBM7 2429.0 732 3.216184 44.68831 48.20765 0.8477172
MantonBM8 2453.0 701 3.697331 44.97911 48.96420 0.8406128
Totals (All Cells) 2524.0 769 3.447040 41.53183 45.40989 0.8494067

The Median_Stats function has some column names stored by default but will also calculate medians for additional meta.data columns using the optional median_var parameter

median_stats <- Median_Stats(seurat_object = hca_bm, group_by_var = "orig.ident", median_var = "meta_data_column_name")

Plotting Median Values

scCustomize also contains a few functions to plot some of these median value calculations, which can be used on their own without need to return data.frame first.

Plot_Median_Genes(seurat_object = hca_bm, group_by = "group")
Plot_Median_UMIs(seurat_object = hca_bm, group_by = "group")
Plot_Median_Mito(seurat_object = hca_bm, group_by = "group")
Plot_Median_Other(seurat_object = hca_bm, median_var = "percent_ribo", group_by = "group")

Plot Number of Cells/Nuclei per Sample

scCustomize also contains plotting function to plot the number of cells or nuclei per sample.

Since the HCA Bone Marrow dataset has exactly the same number of cells per sample we will use the microglia object from the Analysis Plots vignette.